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  1.  65
    Michael Polanyi and His Generation: Origins of the Social Construction of Science.Mary Jo Nye - 2011 - London: University of Chicago Press.
    In _Michael Polanyi and His Generation_, Mary Jo Nye investigates the role that Michael Polanyi and several of his contemporaries played in the emergence of the social turn in the philosophy of science. This turn involved seeing science as a socially based enterprise that does not rely on empiricism and reason alone but on social communities, behavioral norms, and personal commitments. Nye argues that the roots of the social turn are to be found in the scientific culture and political events (...)
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    The Nineteenth-Century Atomic Debates and the Dilemma of an 'Indifferent Hypothesis'.Mary Jo Nye - 1976 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 7 (3):245.
  3.  34
    The Boutroux Circle and Poincare's Conventionalism.Mary Jo Nye - 1979 - Journal of the History of Ideas 40 (1):107.
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    Chemical explanation and physical dynamics: Two research schools at the First Solvay chemistry conferences, 1922–1928.Mary Jo Nye - 1989 - Annals of Science 46 (5):461-480.
    SummaryThe convening of the first three Solvay Chemistry Conferences in Brussels from 1922–1928 marked an important turning point for the discipline of chemistry. Whereas much of nineteenth-century chemical endeavour had focused on compositional and functional analysis of chemical compounds, many leaders in chemistry were turning to questions of molecular dynamics by the early twentieth century. Two competing schools of chemical dynamics, which were represented at the Solvay Conferences, were a predominantly English group (Lowry, Lapworth, Robinson, Ingold) who worked out electron (...)
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    Berthelot's anti-atomism: A 'matter of taste'?Mary Jo Nye - 1981 - Annals of Science 38 (5):585-590.
    The influential French chemist Marcelin Berthelot spoke against the use of Dalton's atomic theory and Avogadro's hypothesis in the second half of the nineteenth century. This paper argues that Berthelot conceded that atomism might be acceptable as a system of conventions, but he feared the power of such conventions in constructing a realistic picture of atoms which was not warranted empirically. Equally, Berthelot's anti-atomism was a last-ditch effort to assert the place of chemistry within the tradition of natural history and (...)
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    Boundaries, Transformations, Historiography: Physics in Chemistry from the 1920s to the 1960s.Mary Jo Nye - 2018 - Isis 109 (3):587-596.
    The decades of the 1920s to the 1960s were a period of transformation in chemical science. The era was marked by erosion of boundaries that had often been drawn between chemistry and other scientific disciplines. In particular, theories, instruments, and mathematical approaches associated with the new physics of X-rays, the electron particle, and the electron wave enabled chemists and other physical scientists to address unsolved chemical problems of structure and mechanism and to ask new questions that further expanded and transcended (...)
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  7.  44
    Die Republik gegen das Kollektiv: Zwei Geschichten von Kollaboration und Konkurrenz in der modernen Wissenschaft.Mary Jo Nye - 2016 - NTM Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Wissenschaften, Technik und Medizin 24 (2):169-194.
    Kollaboration und Konkurrenz gibt es in der Wissenschaft zwischen Individuen oder verschiedenen Gruppen, größeren Organisationen, Schauplätzen und Nationalstaaten. Die Spannung zwischen individuellem Ansehen und Gruppenmeriten oder individuellem Ehrgeiz und Gruppenleistung ist der wissenschaftlichen Arbeit inhärent und trägt zu ihrem Erfolg bei. Die Autorin vergleicht zwei soziale Modelle der Wissenschaft, die entwickelt wurden, als Wissenschaftler im 20. Jahrhundert zunehmend begannen kollaborativ zu forschen: Michael Polanyis individualistische Freie-Markt-Republik der Wissenschaft und Ludwik Flecks Denkkollektiv. Diese beiden Modelle sollten Praktiken beschreiben und Ideale für (...)
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  8. Michael Polanyi and the Social Construction of Science.Mary Jo Nye - 2012 - Tradition and Discovery 39 (1):7-17.
    Scholars in the field of social studies of science marked the year 2012 as the 50th anniversary of the publication of Thomas S. Kuhn’s The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. Kuhn’s book is routinely cited as the beginning of a new intellectual movement that jettisoned logical and empiricist accounts of scientific progress in favor of sociological and psychological explanations of scientific practice. In contrast, this essay argues that the roots of the social construction of science lie earlier, in the 1930s, in (...)
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    biography: Michael Polanyi (1891-1976).Mary Jo Nye - 2002 - Hyle 8 (2):123 - 127.
  10. Book Reviews-Physical Sciences: Heat, Optics, Chemistry-Before Big Science: The Pursuit of Modern Chemistry and Physics, 1800-1940.Mary Jo Nye & D. E. H. Edgerton - 1999 - Annals of Science 56 (1):107.
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    Is Water H2O? Evidence, Realism and Pluralism - by Hasok Chang.Mary Jo Nye - 2013 - Centaurus 55 (4):433-434.
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    Physical and Biological Modes of Thought in the Chemistry of Linus Pauling.Mary Jo Nye - 2000 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 31 (4):475-491.
  13.  37
    Passionate Empiricism.Mary Jo Nye - 2007 - Minerva 45 (4):495-498.
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    (1 other version)Science and Politics in the Philosophy of Science: Popper, Kuhn, and Polanyi.Mary Jo Nye - 2010 - In Moritz Epple & Claus Zittel, Science as Cultural Practice: Vol. I: Cultures and Politics of Research From the Early Modern Period to the Age of Extremes. Berlin: Akademie Verlag. pp. 201-216.
  15.  41
    Temptations of theory, strategies of evidence: P. M. S. Blackett and the earth's magnetism, 1947–52.Mary Jo Nye - 1999 - British Journal for the History of Science 32 (1):69-92.
    In the late spring of 1947, the experimental physicist P. M. S. Blackett succumbed to the temptations of theory. At this time, Blackett was fifty years old. He was a veteran of the Cavendish tradition in particle physics and he was on his way to an unshared award of the 1948 Nobel Prize for his experimental researches in nuclear physics and cosmic-ray physics. His photographs of cloud-chamber tracks of alpha particles, protons, electrons and positrons were well known to practitioners of (...)
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    The public culture of science in nineteenth-century France: Robert Fox: The savant and the state: Science and cultural politics in nineteenth-century France. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2012, 408pp, $60.00.Mary Jo Nye - 2013 - Metascience 22 (3):697-702.
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    Visual tools and the quiet chemical revolution: Alan J. Rocke: Image and reality: Kekulé, Kopp, and the scientific imagination. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2010, xxvi+275pp, US$45.00 HB.Mary Jo Nye - 2011 - Metascience 20 (2):389-393.
  18.  45
    The scientific periphery in France: The faculty of sciences at Toulouse (1880–1930). [REVIEW]Mary Jo Nye - 1975 - Minerva 13 (3):374-403.
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    Hermann Kopp. From the Molecular World: A Nineteenth-Century Science Fantasy. Translated, annotated, and introduced by, Alan J. Rocke. vii + 105 pp., illus. New York: Springer, 2013. $49.95. [REVIEW]Mary Jo Nye - 2015 - Isis 106 (1):202-203.
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    Nalini Bhushan and Stuart Rosenfeld, eds: Of minds and molecules: New philosophical perspectives on chemistry. [REVIEW]Mary Jo Nye - 2002 - Foundations of Chemistry 4 (1):73-77.
  21.  26
    Roger H. Stuewer. The Age of Innocence: Nuclear Physics between the First and Second World Wars. x + 484 pp., bibl., index. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018. £39.99 . ISBN 9780198827870.Joseph D. Martin. Solid State Insurrection: How the Science of Substance Made American Physics Matter. xvi + 280 pp., notes, bibl., index. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2018. $49.95 . ISBN 9780822945383. [REVIEW]Mary Jo Nye - 2019 - Isis 110 (4):854-857.
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    Transforming economics with a film projector: Gábor Bíró: The Economic Thought of Michael Polanyi. Milton Park, Abingdon and New York: Routledge, 2020. £115 HB. [REVIEW]Mary Jo Nye - 2019 - Metascience 29 (1):139-142.
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